(via neatorama)
Here's a sideline idea. What about pork bones and puha in a can? I'd buy one.
[Pork Brains]
If You're Not Part Of The Solution, You're Part Of the Precipitate
[Pork Brains]
[Space Ramp]
[Tech Addict Scarf]
[God loves his random mutant monkeys]
,[Random ideas]
,[Whale Vomit]
The Luwak (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) denizen of the coffee (kopi) plantations of Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, eats only the ripest coffee cherries.
Unable to digest the coffee beans, the Luwak graciously deposits them on the jungle floor where they are eagerly collected by the locals.
The stomach acids and enzymatic action involved in this unique fermentation process produces the beans for the world’s rarest coffee beverage. Mmmm![Kopi Luwak]
[Solid Potato Salad]
,[Ross Sisters]
[Tree Octopus]
A music engine based on a massive collection of Music Profiles. Each music profile belongs to one person, and describes their taste in music. Last.fm uses these music profiles to make personalized recommendations, match you up with people who like similar music, and generate custom radio stations for each person.
43 ThingsYou can write down your goals; See how're other achieved the similar goals; and you can share your experience and progress with other which you both want to do.
Picture CloudA picture cloud is the easiest way to make a photo come to life. By using a picture cloud you can turn still photos into images that spin 360° by uploading images you take around an object with your digital camera. Whether it's houses, cars, toys, or pets, picture clouds are easy to create and can be used anywhere. Picture clouds are helping give depth to the web, and best of all - picture clouds are free.
PopurlsPopular URLS to the latest Web Buzz - very nice update site for all the usual Web 2.0 lovliness - ie digg, reddit, flickr etc etc etc
Karmadu allows you to give “karma points” as thanks for good things that others do for you in the real world. For example I can see how my karma score compares to others at school, to people who like the same movies, who live in the same area…anything you want. You can ‘jump on’ karma (vote for the best karma) and see which actions are the most karma-worthy. You can send points and check your profile over the web or by using text messaging from your cell phone. You can join by clicking “join” on the top menu.
What would happen if we no longer used things like looks, age, sex and nationality to decide if we would try and become friends with a person?
Protopage = personalized news + sticky notes + weather + bookmarks, all on one page.
Create your own free Protopage, then:
* Use it to catch up with news from hundreds of sources
* Put color coded sticky notes, todo lists and reminders on it
* Keep your frequently accessed bookmarks on it
* Name it (e.g. as www.protopage.com/yourname)
* Share parts of your page with friends, or keep it private
* Set it as your browser 'start page' for easy access
Squidoo "Create a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising."
*Special mention update.
After poking around looking for a way to add a chat service to Eru's LifeCache,
I stumbled over gabbly.com. Just type or paste http://gabbly.com/ before any URL and you will be able to chat with anyone visiting that page at the same time.
Try it out here http://gabbly.com/http://eruslife.blogspot.com/