That's right. No 'OFF' switches whatsoever. In fact, I think the very notion of 'not being on' will eventually become alien to the human condition and quietly fade into obsolescence, while simultaneously giving rise to a deeper more intuitive meaningful understanding of the function, 'On Standby'.
Of course, I don't imagine some wasteful ridiculous future where the lights are on twenty-four seven, rather I envision a future where the lights 'know' they are currently on zero luminescent 'standby' and are waiting to increase that value accordingly. I mean look at this crazy light switch for example, it's already happening, in fact it's been happening for some time.
A future where there is no 'Offline' to speak of. A future where everything is actively self organised, self powered, downloading, uploading and updating a constant user generated streaming feed of social network communicati.
In short. I think in the future, everything will always in some way, shape or form, be either 'ON', 'sub-ON' or simply ' currently inactive', but never in terms which you could best describe as 'OFF'.
What do you think?